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What Type Of Bucket Should You Use With Your Excavator? Excavators, both the mini variety as the standard sized options, are some of the most versatile types of heavy construction equipment you can use for your residential project. And whether you have chosen to invest in this machinery and buy it outright or are looking to lease one from an equipment provider, the first decision you need to make is the type of bucket you should utilise. While this is dependent on your project, there are several considerations to be had in mind. As an avid DIYer, I have spent a lot of time researching excavators, buckets and other accessories. In this blog, I have compiled information such as the differences between general-purpose and v-shaped buckets, how soil type will affect your choice of excavator bucket, various applications for the excavator buckets and so on.



Is your construction site looking waterlogged?

When working on a building site, have you noticed a series of shallow wells being established around the site and wondered what purpose they had? The Wellpoint dewatering system is a common solution employed on construction sites where levels of surface and groundwater have been identified as a problem. This system uses numerous shallow wells all connected to a dewatering pump. Various forms of dewatering exist, but in every case, the objective is to lower the water table and remove the excess water to produce soil conditions that permit the footings to the dug out with difficulty. If the ground is too wet, the footings will become waterlogged and work will be impossible. No single dewatering approach is perfect for all conditions. Whether you want to opt for the Wellpoint dewatering system or something different on your site, your engineering team will be able to advise on the best approach.

Why use dewatering pumps?

When the Wellpoint dewatering system or a similar dewatering pump is used to remove the water from a building site, it can be tempting to ask what makes a dewatering pump different from a standard pump. Both types of pump are used to move water from one location to another location, but if you were to attempt to use a standard pump to drain the trenches on your build site, you would soon run into problems. The pump would soon start picking up all of the sludge and silt contained in the water, and it would not be long before the pump became blocked. Dewatering pumps are designed to separate out the water from all of the impurities, and so they don't become clogged up like other pumps.

What happens to the water?

One of the most common questions that gets asked when people are thinking about installing dewatering systems is 'what happens  to the water?' It is commonly supposed that the water can simply be transferred to another part of the site away from where the work is taking place. This approach never works since the water just soaks into the ground and it becomes waterlogged again. The only solution is to move the water away to a storm sewer or local wetland rather than letting it remain in the ground.

To find out more about the Wellpoint dewatering system and all other methods of dewatering, you should talk to your engineering team and identify the correct solution for your circumstances.
