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What Type Of Bucket Should You Use With Your Excavator? Excavators, both the mini variety as the standard sized options, are some of the most versatile types of heavy construction equipment you can use for your residential project. And whether you have chosen to invest in this machinery and buy it outright or are looking to lease one from an equipment provider, the first decision you need to make is the type of bucket you should utilise. While this is dependent on your project, there are several considerations to be had in mind. As an avid DIYer, I have spent a lot of time researching excavators, buckets and other accessories. In this blog, I have compiled information such as the differences between general-purpose and v-shaped buckets, how soil type will affect your choice of excavator bucket, various applications for the excavator buckets and so on.



What Does A New Forklift For Your Warehouse Imply?

Forklifts are a number one choice for people in enterprises in the shipping and warehousing space. They are small industrial vehicles with power-operated fork-like platforms on the front side. Typically, the operator can raise and lower the forked platforms and shove them under cargo, allowing the equipment to lift or move the cargo. For many business owners, investing in a forklift requires lots of financial and human resources. The cost of acquiring the equipment comes with the need to train and empower your operators to enable them to make the most of the equipment. The following piece will teach you more about forklifts to help you make the right purchase and operational decisions: 

Key Components

Learning about forklifts starts with an understanding of the equipment's vital components. These are:

  • The truck frame – The truck frame is a crucial component of a forklift. It is the main point of support for the other features that make up the forklift. More importantly, the truck frame hosts the overhead guard that creates a cabin for the operator to sit.
  • The power source – Forklifts need a way of generating the mechanical force needed to lift and move loads from one place to the other. They do this by converting chemical energy from petroleum fuels into mechanical energy, which generates the required force. Alternatively, you can go for electric forklifts or those that use both electrical and chemical fuels. 
  • The counterweight – It is worth noting that a forklift lifts or moves loads using the front side. Therefore, the rear side has to counterbalance the load on the front and keep the equipment from tipping over. Usually, this is the work of counterweights made from robust materials such as cast iron and heavy-duty steel. 

Lifting Mechanism

Forklifts rely on hydraulic mechanisms to move heavy loads from one point to the other. Traditionally, forklifts come with lift handles fixed to an electrically-powered air pump stationed at the base of the forklift. Pressing the handle causes the air pump to draw air from outside via a filter and through a tube connected to the hydraulic cylinders. Often, your hydraulic cylinders will be comprised of hollow tubes enclosed with flexible and lubricated pistons. These enclosed pistons enable the up-and-down movement of the lift platform by manipulating the volume of gases in the cylinder. 

Modern Features

When buying a forklift, it helps to go for state-of-the-art features that will enhance your operator's well-being. For instance, you can go for an active safety feature that actuates automatic lock mechanisms to prevent the wheels, mast and fork from moving when the operator leaves the cabin. Additionally, the operator can only start the engine when the gear lever is in the neutral position or setting. 
